Colors TCG - Master Post

Aug 07, 2011 00:54

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# public, ! colors tcg

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victorisham August 8 2011, 04:17:09 UTC
Hey, welcome to the TCG! :D

Is there anything in my trade pile you'd like for Butterfly05?


love_michiyuki August 8 2011, 10:02:43 UTC
Thank you ヽ(*゜▽゜*)ノ♡

How about your lionheart07 in exchange? :D


victorisham August 9 2011, 00:31:52 UTC
That'd be great!

... )


love_michiyuki August 9 2011, 07:45:25 UTC
Here you go :D

... )


dearmykeysx August 8 2011, 19:14:23 UTC
Hello! Welcome to the TCG!

Would you like my
... )


love_michiyuki August 8 2011, 19:26:06 UTC
Thank you! \( ◕ ∀ ◕ )/

B-but I'm sorry to say I'm trying to get rid of my shaolin card, I don't know this character at all σ(-"-σ)

Since quadra is high on your priority list though, how about I trade it for your mars16? ♡


dearmykeysx August 8 2011, 19:35:18 UTC
You're welcome!


But if that's okay with you! I'll give you mars16 :)

... )


(The comment has been removed)

taminas August 8 2011, 21:36:50 UTC
Hi! Welcome to Colors *u*
I don't see anything I need in your trade pile but I see these are in your future collections so here are some gifts! ♥

... )


love_michiyuki August 8 2011, 21:58:41 UTC
OMG Thank you so much ☆d(o⌒∇⌒o)b ★

So super awesome, I will treasure them for sure ♥
Zazie looks so cute *A*

And I just updated with blacklynx18, idiot04 and paternal07, though I don't see those in your active/future decks either orz

And whee~ glad you like it :D
While I was coding it I thought it would be nice to share the layout with others too if there was interest, but for now I'm still looking to optimize the code first :3


taminas August 16 2011, 18:07:42 UTC
No problem! *u* Don't worry about it :'D

OH really, in that case if you ever want to post it somewhere I run a card post layout comm and you are welcome to come post it there! :'D


yamanaika August 8 2011, 21:50:42 UTC">">

Hello bb :3 welcome to Colors. That thing up there is my banner code to be trading buds ^^.

Also, can we trade?

... )


love_michiyuki August 8 2011, 22:09:19 UTC
Wheee~ Aniki is here :D

Thank you, and thank you again! ヽ(●⌒∇⌒●)ノ

Your banner is up! You'll get mine as soon as I get around to making one orz

And I can't believe I "finally" got another enjoy, and then from you to boot. Ahh~ my day night has just been made *A*

... )


yamanaika August 9 2011, 12:22:29 UTC
Just tell me when you have a banner so I can put you at my trading buddies section ^^

I'll be on the look for Enjoy cards then ;)


love_michiyuki August 9 2011, 22:33:40 UTC
Hehe, making a banner should be easier than deciding on a siggy pic, as I can at least always change that xD

Well, will get at it later today... after I got some sleep xD

Spent a whole lot of time looking for nice signature pics. Found some nice images, but still can't decide though xD

And damn, just noticed that a lot of LJ answers went straight to my spam box (like the one on your story thread orz) ლ(´﹏`ლ)
Just before going to bed too (T__T')

And that would be so great :D
I already commented on some posts that I saw had enjoy in their trade pile, but with all the members on here some help would always be appreciated ヽ(*゜▽゜*)ノ♡

Participated in all the games I could to get some new cards for trading too, just need to wait till the games close and I get my rewards ♥

And I saw an interesting post in your journal!

Good god, so much to do ... later today σ(-"-σ)

(and am I the only one having a problem with LJ not posting the comments as I style them, even though they are shown with the proper css in the preview?)


unasuvas August 8 2011, 22:10:00 UTC
Hello there~
Is there anything in my trade pile that would interest you for brokenrose09?


love_michiyuki August 8 2011, 22:25:27 UTC
Heya! :D

How about your amahara09? :)


unasuvas August 8 2011, 22:31:14 UTC

... )


love_michiyuki August 8 2011, 22:37:56 UTC
Why hello thar France!

You just made me wonder what you are planning to do with this rose xD

... )


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